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16th March 2024

Rehabilitation & Strengthening: Hamstring Exercises After a Strain

Hamstring strains are a common setback for athletes and active individuals, often resulting from sudden movements or overexertion. Recovering from a hamstring strain requires a careful balance of rest, rehabilitation, and targeted exercises. In this post, we will explore a series of , helping you achieve lasting strength and resilience.

The Foundation: Warm-Up for Shoulder Success

Before engaging in more demanding muscle-building exercises, we should begin with a dynamic warm-up to promote blood flow to the shoulders and prepare them for higher loads.

· Dynamic Arm Swings: Loosen up the shoulder joints and activate the muscles with controlled arm swings.

(1) With your arms out to your side, sensibly and loosely swing your arms.

· Rotator Cuff Exercises: Incorporate internal and external rotations to prepare the rotator cuffs for the upcoming workout.

(1) Look to move your shoulders forwards for a while before changing direction and going backwards.

Endurance Building Exercises

Here are some exercises you should consider incorporating in your routine to build endurance.

· Shoulder Press: Utilize dumbbells or a barbell to perform shoulder presses, gradually increasing repetitions to improve endurance.

· Front & Lateral Raises: Isolate the deltoid muscles with front and lateral raises, focusing on controlled movements for sustained effort.

· Upright Rows: Strengthen the upper traps and deltoids with upright rows, emphasizing proper form to avoid strain.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for Shoulders

Performing these HIIT exercises will be a great measure for you shoulders’ endurance ability, giving you an opportunity to track progress as you continue developing them.

· Shoulder Taps: Integrate shoulder taps into a high-intensity circuit, combining endurance and core engagement.

· Overhead Medicine Ball Slams: Incorporate explosive movements to challenge the shoulder and boost cardiovascular endurance.

Stability & Endurance Fusion

Some more exercises for you to consider.

· Plank with Alternating Shoulder Taps: Combine core stability with shoulder endurance by adding shoulder taps to a plank position.

· Bosu Ball Shoulder Exercises: Integrate a Bosu ball to enhance stability while performing shoulder exercises, promoting endurance through balance.

Final Words

Like many muscle endeavours, consistency is key. These exercises to increase muscle endurance in the shoulders not only target specific shoulder muscles but contribute to overall upper body resilience. Remember to start with an effective warm-up, gradually progressing in repetitions and prioritising proper form to avoid injury.

As you incorporate these exercises into your routine, pay attention to your body's signals and make adjustments as needed. By dedicating time to enhancing shoulder endurance, you're not just building strength for today but laying the foundation for sustained shoulder health in the long run.

On top of some of the exercises mentioned, PhysioFrog provides 3D muscle body animations for a library of exercises to ensure your form is perfect and you’re maximising shoulder gains. On top of shoulders, select from 5 other muscle groups and prepare them for optimal athletic performance and comfort. Exercises are recommended based on your inputted age, sex, occupation, and activities played – enabling a personalised experience so you can reach your optimum! Join the community over at and get started!